End of Season 99 Report: Reaching Diamond III

4 min readDec 1, 2022


A season wrap-up of the largest Play2Earn game Splinterlands.

Well, another season has come and gone and I can say that this one was good fun and I had a surprisingly good finish in the end by reaching Diamond III in modern.

It came quite unexpectedly too because I was seriously grinding most of the season between Gold III and Gold II and thought I would be lucky to even finish in Gold I, let alone in Diamond III again.


As you can see from my graph, I was lucky to have a big push-through near the end. I did not have such tough competition in modern as was in wild so surprisingly reached diamond.

In wild, I was still facing some seriously tough competition, even though it was Gold III. I was even bowled over a few times by opponents with max-level summoners who I had no chance against!


The graph paints a different picture in wild, there was no possibility to break out.


This was a good improvement over last season where I didn’t manage to reach diamond. You can see probably why my opponents were so tough in wild because the algo was probably trying to equalise my win/loss ratio.


This season I managed 97 gold chests and I am generally very happy with my haul compared to my gold chests from 2 seasons ago!


My actual EoS rewards were good, especially for gold chests. I was lucky to get a fair amount of SPS and 2 packs. Still too many potions for my liking! They really need to scrap them imo.

I haven’t made any big buys to strengthen my deck this season, but I did bring in my Sloan card and buy some low costing level 1 cards to give me a bit more choice in some of my weaker decks.

To strengthen my water deck, I’ve added the above cards. Axemaster and Torhilo I am finding come in very handy and give me a little more fire power now.

To improve my life deck and to compliment my maxed out Sloan, I have added some extra ranged attack. On my wish list is Adelade Brightwing so I hope to add her soon.

For the last 2 days of the season, I rented out a Mylor Crowling summoner. This used to be my favorite summoner and it was strange going back to him and I wasn’t able to get so easily victories with him either.

I think magic attack with Obsidian seems the best attack with the earth deck now, but I do miss using some of my melee or ranged attackers sometimes.

My win ratio is still around 50% in my guild and I need to try and improve this.

I got another gladius pack and am happy to add more gladius cards as they are so handy for brawls.

That’s it for this time, I wish you a successful new season and thanks for reading.


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All images used from source unless otherwise stated.

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