Finishing A 36 Hour Water Fast

4 min readNov 18, 2022


Fasting to try and improve my health.

I decided to do a water fast and am just finishing this up now. I have done them before and found them really good, but hard to do. A water fast is where you only drink water during this time and don’t eat or drink anything else.

I think it is good to give your stomach some resting time and also help your body detox. In many natural healing books and articles that I have read, it has been said that it also helps your body to repair and if you are sick, get better.

Therefore, if you have the flu, runny nose, or other such symptoms, you should usually stop eating as then you will start to get better faster as your body will detox quicker.

My day started going to my trusted jug of water. This was going to be a familiar sight for me over the whole day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner would consist of drinking just water.

With breakfast sorted, I could concentrate on my work and not worry about any preparation of food or drinks for example. Things were much more streamlined. It was still early days though and I would usually try and delay “breaking my fast” as long as possible if I am not feeling allured to eating some breakfast.

So far I was feeling pretty good. I was sharp and focused and could concentrate on my work. The time luckily went quickly because my mind would sometimes stray and I would think about what I would like to eat.

With my business activities up til lunchtime completed and not needing to cook or spend time eating, I was able to go for a lunchtime jog. Normally I would try and go jogging as early as possible to ensure that I jog on an empty stomach which is best for me.

Today I was lucky and could go later but still have that empty stomach feeling. The running was good and although I couldn’t push too hard due to lack of fitness, it did feel good and I was feeling fresh afterward.

In the afternoon, the time went by very quickly and I didn’t have time to think about eating too much and drank plenty of water. Luckily I decided to complete this task when I would be spending most of the day alone. There is nothing worse than doing a day of fasting when someone is chomping on some food around you.

When fasting, I started to realise how much time I spend thinking about food and how I should really try to eat less. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking.

Shortly before 5 pm, I went for a short drive and it was starting to get dark already. I was still feeling really good and my body I think was thanking me for water fasting today.

In the evening, I sat down with my dinner ( a glass of water) and proceeded to drink it. With that out of the way, I could do some Hiving. I was starting to feel a little tempted by some nice food but nothing compared to some previous fasts where I would be really almost tasting food in my mouth without even having it. I think this must be a sign that I really needed this detox.

Normally, if I am not eating for a while, I can get a little grumpy and snarly. Hopefully, I was not too bad this time approaching nearly 24 hours since I last ate something.

So far, some of the benefits that I have noticed are:

-cheaper, saved costs on food and energy to prepare
-saved time and increased productivity
-possible weight loss
-improved focus and clarity in completing tasks

Some of the possible negative things I have noticed are that sometimes I am feeling hungry.

With just 3 hours til the end of my water fast approaching, I will be eating my first food at around 12'ish for lunch. The experience has been very positive and I am thinking when I will do my next one.

Have you done a water fast?

What are your thoughts about it?

Thanks for reading.


All photos are my own.
Hive separator created by myself in canva using Hive logo source.

Let’s connect : mypathtofire




Written by mypathtofire

A Crypto Hodler playing with FIRE

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