Gods Unchained — Return To The Light

5 min readJul 9, 2023

Hello Gods Unchained Fans,

It is an exciting time for Gods Unchained with the release into the Epic Games store. I saw that yesterday it was even one of the trending games. This could give some growth to the game.

After creating my first Viking deck last week, this week I have gone back into the light and revisted my light deck. I am making continual tweaks and improvements and think there is still some work to do, but playing light is a fun deck and you have some good combos that you can play.


Four extra additions that I have bought for my deck are Holy Writ, Chaining of the Gods, Call of the Light and Protective Benediction. I hope these will make my Light deck a little more Aggro, but so far I didn’t add these spells in yet. I am still experimenting with them to see how they work and might best fit in.

In my current deck, I tried to remove any cards that didn’t have great synergy, even if I really like them, such as The Nemean Lion

Instead I added in some Olympian healers as they can heal and trigger buffs such as from Sern or Parthene. I am still stuck which god power I should…

